Web Event - "Overcoming the Impossible"
"In order to arrive you must follow the signs. The world is inscribed with the path that each man must follow. It is just a matter of reading the inscription written for you to find success.
- adapted from The Alchemist by Paolo Coehlo“
Stephen Pollack draws on decades of experience as a successful entrepreneur and operator to reveal new ways to approach making technology businesses successful. In an increasingly challenging and competitive world, "Overcoming the Impossible" gets to the heart of why technology businesses often fail to meet their primary objectives. Using messaging from "The Alchemist" as a guiding reference, and experience from founding and running successful companies such as PlateSpin Ltd
, Stephen takes this first of a 4-part series into a deep dive of the impact of being conditioned to believe that everything we want to do is impossible. Learn why negativity gets in the way of building effective business plans, product plans and go to market strategies. Discuss why Stephen feels technologists need to change how they approach planning a path to success to be successful. The web seminar will explore innovative methods of business thinking to realize success including:
- Learning to treat a business plan as a source of leadership. Business growth and quality decision making can be hampered when a team makes decisions in the heat of a moment. Without removing the human element, a well-constructed business plan effectively drives long term decisions accelerating goal achievement, reducing politics and lowering impact of critical risk factors.
- Avoiding wasted paths by learning to ask "So What?". We're all curious about many things along our path but not all paths need to be explored. Adopting a culture that asks "so what" at the right times helps a team refine a decision tree pruning the paths that lead nowhere. This in turn frees up time to pursue uncovering the primary path to success.
- Improving decision making by properly knowing "who you are" as a business. The opportunity for success is conditioned to be realized based on knowing who you are as a business. Said differently, if a business does not match what it offers with what the buyer wants, the business can't take steps forward. If a business gets out of sync with who it is (or wants to be), expectation mismatching becomes the basis of failure.
- Planning to be successful, instead of wishing to be successful! Many businesses shy away from actually planning to be successful so when success does show up on the horizon, they are not ready to fully benefit. Scrambling occurs and the happiness that success should bring is replaced by stress and dissatisfaction, steps backward and more often than not, business failure
Click Here to Register for - "Overcoming the Impossible"
10:00-11:00 AM EST on Thursday, Oct 22.